Michael Mann – Real Scepticism
By Collin Maessen on commentIn this clip Mann talks about the difference between the real scepticism that’s present in science and the Pseudo-Scepticism displayed by climate science deniers.
In this clip Mann talks about the difference between the real scepticism that’s present in science and the Pseudo-Scepticism displayed by climate science deniers.
Eugenie Scott is an American physical anthropologist and a former university professor who served as the executive director of the National Center for Science Education from 1987 to 2014. She’s one of the strongest voices that challenge the teaching of young earth creationism and intelligent design in schools. In this clip she talks about the difference between science and pseudoscience.
climatologist and geophysicist Michael Mann shares his story about how he became a scientist.
John Cook is the Climate Communication Fellow for the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland. He also founded skepticalscience.com in 2007, a website that examines the arguments of the global warming ‘sceptics’. In this interview Cook talks about what led to him becoming a science communicator.
Stephan Lewandowsky’s recent research focusses on the public’s understanding of science and why people reject well established scientific facts. In this clip Lewandowsky talks a bit on the causes of science denial.
Katharine Hayhoe has become a star in the climate science communication world with how effective she can communicate climate science to Christians. This is in part because she is an evangelical Christian herself. In this tidbit from our interview with her she talks about science communication and how her style was received.
A couple of years ago Richard Muller entered in the public debate on global warming. Making some very strange claims about the current temperature records. And some extremely harsh accusations towards climate researchers. This of course made him a hero among climate science deniers.
In this clip John Cook talks about one of his little hobbies: collecting conspiracy theories. A lot of different conspiracy theories were proposed about Skeptical Science and other projects and research Cook worked on. He collects all these different conspiracy theories as he finds them very interesting.
In this clip Alley looks back at him explaining Milankovitch cycles to Dana Rohrbacher and why he communicates the science in the way that he does.
In this interview Stephan tells about the results he and his co-authors found and how science deniers responded to these papers. The story about how the journal handled the backlash from science deniers is chilling for it’s implications for scientific research.