The AGU 2014 Fall Meeting Interviews
By Collin Maessen onDuring the AGU Fall Meeting I had the honor of working with Peter Sinclair of Climate Denial Crock of the Week and John Cook of Skeptical Science, interviewing an amazing line-up of scientists and science communicators. I’m floored by who we interviewed and could have a chat with. Everyone brought their A game which gave us some incredible footage.
In this interview Stephan tells about the results he and his co-authors found and how science deniers responded to these papers. The story about how the journal handled the backlash from science deniers is chilling for it's implications for scientific research.Stephan Lewandowsky: Denial of Science Always Involves a Component of Conspiratorial Thought
A couple of years ago Richard Muller entered in the public debate on global warming. Making some very strange claims about the current temperature records. And some extremely harsh accusations towards climate researchers. This of course made him a hero among climate science deniers.Richard Muller - I Was Wrong On Global Warming, But It Didn't Convince The 'Sceptics'
In this interview he shares his story and experiences of going to Heartland Institute conferences and tackling climate science denial head on.Scott Denning – Into The Heartland Of Climate Science Denial