When John Cook, Peter Sinclair and I were interviewing scientist at the AGU 2014 Fall Meeting John Cook asked them one last brilliant question:
Ok, you’re getting on an elevator with someone, and they say, ‘So you’re a climate scientist, what’s all this about climate change and global warming?’ You’ve got 10 floors. Go.
We got an interesting range of answers from some of the best scientists from around the world. Peter Sinclair got the idea to turn this into a video series and he has already released the first video.
Continue reading Climate Change – The Elevator Pitch
During the AGU Fall Meeting I had the honor of working with Peter Sinclair of Climate Denial Crock of the Week and John Cook of Skeptical Science, interviewing an amazing line-up of scientists and science communicators. I’m floored by who we interviewed and could have a chat with. Everyone brought their A game which gave us some incredible footage (you can find all the videos in the AGU 2014 video archive, they’ll be added as they’re released).
A lot of this footage you’ll also see in the upcoming Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) from The University of Queensland. The Denial101x MOOC will launch in April 2015 on the EdX platform. Registration has opened so you can register for free.
John, Peter, and I managed to get some amazing scientists for this MOOC and our own productions:
Continue reading A Historic Series Of Interviews At The AGU 2014 Fall Meeting
Just a little heads-up for my readers that I’ve written a guest post for Climate Crocks. The following is a snippet from the beginning of the guest post: One of the things I do is to keep an ear out to what the so-called sceptics are saying in their corner on the internet. I do this on for example Twitter…
Yet again two great videos from Peter Sinclair (Greenman3610) on the subject of climate change. This time he tackles the weather extremes we’ve seen the past few years. And gives scientists a chance to explain what is causing this, how it relates to global warming (and where not) and what this might mean for the future.
Weird Winter - Mad March - Part 1
This extraordinary mild winter in north america, followed by an unprecedentedly warm march, has shocked a lot of people who formerly dismissed the reality of climate change.
In addition, several years of violent tornado seasons have many asking if we are entering a “new Normal” in regard to our seasons.
For this two part series, I interviewed a number of climate scientists and experts from around the country, and found some surprising answers.
A while back Monckton sort of responded tot he videos Peter Hadfield (Potholer54) made about his misrepresentations and errors on the science of climate change. This eventually did leed to Monckton responding to the videos made about him. And the actual offer for a debate on Watts Up With That.
Peter Sinclair has released another excellent video about climate change science, this time about the simplistic view some have that all global warming science has its foundation on the hockey stick. Watch this video on YouTube There’s a persistent delusion out there, that you hear a lot from people who should know better – that global warming boils down to…
I almost didn’t catch it in this compilation, but Greg Gutfeld from Fox News actually says the following:
Isn’t green jobs the biggest hoax since the moon landing? [@1:38]
Seriously? How can you even have a normal discussion with these folks at Fox News? It’s blindfolds on, push your own agenda and shout the most inane claims and nonsense to further it.
Continue reading The Biggest Hoax Since The Moon Landing
When will we finally leave behind the strange claims of the so-called sceptics that melting isn’t as bad in the arctic or is even recovering? Watch this video on YouTube
I was already aware that current tactics of climate change deniers are very similar to what the pro tobacco lobby used during their campaign of obfuscation. But just how similar I didn’t realize till I saw the following on ClimateCrocks: I was going to wait on this, but it’s too important. The point has often been made that the climate denial industry…