Monckton Debunked By Monckton – Climate Sensitivity

Potholer54 posted his second video on Lord Monckton and reasons why people tend to believe him. Although Monckton is a good debater, it’s again shown that Monckton gets the science horrendously wrong. And not only gets it wrong, he keeps repeating the same flaw. For example he misrepresented a paper written by Pinker. For which he was corrected in a…

Kansas vs. Darwin

The whole creationism and intelligent design movement and the whole discussion surrounding it in the United States was, and still is, quite the alien concept to me. With the very few things that I do know about biology, evolution and the scientific method that these proposed “theories” have absolutely no scientific merit whatsoever. As such the documentary Kansas vs. Darwin…

Monckton Debunked By Monckton

A reasonably large portion of the global warming sceptics regard Lord Monckton quite highly. And his arguments are often used as definite proof that CO2 caused global warming is one big hoax. Because of this he’s often given a soap box at the blog Watts Up With That to make his case. Even Alex Jones is quite fond of him, and…

Understanding the rise of China

China has been, and still is, a wild card to us westerners. There is a fundamental difference in how we run our countries and view the world. And which is ironically allowing China to take the lead in things like building a green economy and infrastructure. Although it’s also one of the worst offenders with pollution and it’s output of…

The Curious Case of the “Water Filter” and the YouTube Video….

So……who here lurks around on youtube much?  How many of you have seen the shennanigans going on at AnswersinBooks youtube channel, some time back he posted a video debunking the claims by an american peddler or water woowoo-ist with a lovely machine.  Said machine is touted as a cure all for any ailments, it works by electrolysing tap water into a nice tastey alkaline drink…..hmmm…..taaaasssty.  Thing is, it’s not really all that good for you to go chugging alkaline fluids, especially as its essentially stuff thats mild versions of draino and bleach…..which completely bollockses up your body chemistry, aside from the being poisinous.  By the way, it’ll feck up your digestive process by neutralising your stomache acid.

Continue reading The Curious Case of the “Water Filter” and the YouTube Video….

Virere is Moving

Due to time constraints I won’t be able to continue my separate blog Virere which covers environmental news and lifestyle changes to make your life greener. As this subject, and the time I had for this, has been transferred to this blog and my YouTube channel. Currently I’m in the process of transferring all the content that’s posted on Virere…

Leaving a Comment on WattsUpWithThat

After writing my article How BBC Warmists Abuse The Science – A Response I thought what the heck lets join the conversation on Watts Up With That. And I posted the following comment:

Seriously? You post an excerpt from a column where one of the arguments is “Even the weather has turned against them, showing that all the computer models based on the assumption that rising CO2 means rising temperatures have got it wrong.”. Which can be paraphrased as it’s snowing outside so global warming is not happening… Cold spells can happen, even when the planet is warming up.

However, it’s again someone who’s work is being used which also says that second hand smoking and asbestos don’t cause cancer. And even has been critical on the theory of evolution saying “rest their case on nothing more than blind faith and unexamined a priori assumptions”.

Continue reading Leaving a Comment on WattsUpWithThat

How BBC Warmists Abuse The Science – A Response

I probably shouldn’t for the sake of my blood pressure, but I do keep taps on what people on the other side of the debate are saying, especially the more vocal ones. I use it to keep myself appraised of any contrary evidence and queues me on possible cases where a critical look at evidence might be needed.

But I have to say this, most of the time what is being put out by the “sceptics” is severely lacking. Errors and misrepresentation galore, a lot of it being unintentional as climatology is a difficult subject. But often it has its root in what, to me, looks like intentional misdirection and butchering of the science.

And the latest butchering was promoted in a post on the blog Watts Up With That, a website that has a reputation of misdirection and scientific errors:

Continue reading How BBC Warmists Abuse The Science – A Response