And Now for Other News

This is just a quick one whilst I ruminate my thoughts on something that I’m really going to vent some spleen on, trust me….this spleen venting will be good.  But anyway, it seems that our very own awesometastic tech guy is getting some well deserved wider attention.  A blog under the title ‘Rationally Thinking Out Loud’ did a little piece on our Collin in which he praised Collins approach to skeptisim.

Also I can now proudly say that I’ve passed the first year of my masters degree, I have had to put it on hold slightly but I will be continueing with it.  In the mean time I’ve got a few other bits and pieces I’m hoping to study some Chemistry and a little bit of Astronomy and some Planetary Science.

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Domain And RSS Changes

Currently I’ve been working behind the scenes to revamp this website. Most of it isn’t noticeable for visitors, but one of the changes that some might have seen was the restructuring of categories and tags used on this website. The next, and almost final step, in this process is that the domain name and the feed location will change. This website will…

Perry Doubts Manmade Global Warming

I already talked about the day of prayer governor Rick Perry took part in. And my amazement at the type of people that were attracted to the event and he associated himself with. The hint for me came that something wasn’t quite right about this association was when Vonette Bright said she wants to see the 10 Commandments and prayer in school.

So when at the Politics and Eggs breakfast in Bedford, NH, Jim Rubens noted that the National Academy of Sciences, which has advised presidents since its founding by Abraham Lincoln, has concluded that global warming is caused primarily by fossil fuels. And he subsequently asked “If observed scientific data and the National Academy of Sciences are both wrong on an issue involving thousands of scientists, and an issue as prominent as global warming, doesn’t this call into question the entire science discovery process that forms the foundation of a hundred years of America’s technological preeminence?”

The answer from Perry stunned me:

Continue reading Perry Doubts Manmade Global Warming

SpongeBob SquarePants Climate Change Controversy

I didn’t believe it when I first heard it, and I am still amazed that they devoted a section about this on Fox & Friends, but according to them Spongebob Squarepants is indoctrinating your children and just telling one side of the global warming controversy:

Fox and Friends on the Sponge Bob Conspiracy

If you didn’t catch it, this is what they Steve Doocey said:

Continue reading SpongeBob SquarePants Climate Change Controversy

TV Tricks Of The Trade

On a lot of blogs a quote has been circulating that the lead IPCC author of Chapter 8 made a shocking admittance. The latest installment of Jesse Ventura’s highly successful Conspiracy Theory show exposed millions of viewers on national TV last night to the climate change fraud, blowing a giant hole in the global warming scam by exposing how its adherents comprise wealthy industrialists…

Petition Time

So a couple of people I know that are both in the UK send me a link to an e-petition that has been set up to petition the government in the UK.  The petition related to the teaching of Evolution and that it should be made clear that creationism and intelligent design are not scientific and that they should not…

What’s at Stake?

Well thats a leading post title if ever there was one.  So what do I mean by what’s at stake?  Well if you think about most things that sceptics bang on about it all boils down to evidence, as in an. evidence based approach.  We want the stuff that shows that view point X is more accurate than batty belief Y.  If te use of evidence was to wain then again, what’s at stake…….well our aquired knowledge really.

Here’s an example of what I mean, it’s an episode of the BBC’s Horizen that has made it’s way to youtube.  This particular episode is about the attack on science from some of the more hair brained ideas that are out there.  I’ve not yet watched it myself but DutchLiam has wathed most of it and he likes it and I’m going to watch it ASAP.  I hope you enjoy it.

Continue reading What’s at Stake?

A Letter to a Mr. A. N. Wilson

Who would have thought that the source of my next blog would be from the Daily Mail, a British newspaper. Specifically, a man named A. N. Wilson, who contributes occasionally to the paper. The article was about the London riots, and was most probably 90% of the other content. This article however, which I shall link at the end of this blog post, really made me mad for multiple reasons. Looking into this writers backgorund did nothing to help, and brought me to a worrying realisation.

Continue reading A Letter to a Mr. A. N. Wilson