I almost didn’t catch it in this compilation, but Greg Gutfeld from Fox News actually says the following:
Isn’t green jobs the biggest hoax since the moon landing? [@1:38]
Seriously? How can you even have a normal discussion with these folks at Fox News? It’s blindfolds on, push your own agenda and shout the most inane claims and nonsense to further it.
Continue reading The Biggest Hoax Since The Moon Landing
When will we finally leave behind the strange claims of the so-called sceptics that melting isn’t as bad in the arctic or is even recovering? Watch this video on YouTube
A couple of days ago I received a friend invite on youtube. Since I have a small channel and don’t receive that many invites I always check the channel. This time the invite came from a channel called “maxwellshunt”. A channel about a cute little baby named Maxwell. So far so good.
Interests: God, Jesus Christ, John 3:16, Baby Videos, Pacifiers, Bottles, Breastfeeding, Dunstan Baby Language System, Mommy, Daddy, Brother, Baby Swing, Play Pen, Pack N Play, Baby Talk, Mother Baby Child, 2011, Baby Max, Max,Max & Ruby, Sprout, Elmo, Sesame Street, Christian
Hmmm, God and Jesus are this babies main interests. I’ve sent the parents of this baby a message (somewhere along the lines like this): Hi Maxwells parents, thank you for your friend invite. Your baby looks very cute. But something struck me….
As we mentioned in a previous show we’ve had to say good bye to two of the people that have been with us since we started. Fefnir was with us on the original call recording it for posterity and HOD was one of the first people outside of the 12 hour call to step up as our support team. So as a group we started to keep our eyes out for likely candidates to bring our team back up to strength…….for long hours we scoured the web and toiled over our options!
Continue reading Introducing A New Member of the SkepticTV Team
So in my new found rememberence of the joy of sharing stuff with you lot here’s something I’ve just started watching on youtube. It’s a talk from PZ Myers at the ‘Imagine No Religion’ Conference. It’s been uploaded to youtube and it’s quite awsome and PZ has had a great analogy between religion and a tape worm!!! Anyway, here it…
The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook Sometimes satire is just the only answer you can give to the more ridiculous going-ons in the media.
Climate sceptics are winning the argument with the public over global warming, the world’s most celebrated climate scientist, James Hansen of NASA, said in London yesterday.
Continue reading Climate Sceptics Are Winning The Battle
People get nostalgic about living in the past – what they see as ‘simpler times’. It’s true to say that the world around us is growing more complicated every hour. At the age of twelve, I could have explained to you how the television in my house worked. Now, ten years older and (hopefully) more knowledgeable, It absolutely baffles me. As I’ve progressed through my education, I’ve discovered whole worlds so small that they cannot be seen, and so large that they cannot adequately be imagined. Every day, scientific discoveries are being made and added to the lists of information that students must learn before they can reach the cutting edge, and much of this knowledge flies in the face of our preconceived notions.
Little wonder therefore that so many people warm to anti-scientific schools of thought under the influence of Occam’s Razor. The common perception of this is that if two equally likely explanations exist for a particular phenomenon, then the simpler of the two is probably the correct one. Hopefully everyone reading this can easily think of examples where this idea is flat-out wrong.
Continue reading The Razor With Less Irritation (or IMMA FIRIN’ MA RAZOR!!!)
Well surprise surprise, creationist abuse the DMCA to silence their critics. And it’s the brainiacs at CSE, thats Hovind Jnr and cronies, that have been out doing it. Now I don’t know exactly how many they’ve hit but SkepticTV has heard of 3 smaller you tube channels in the past week that have been hit with false DMCA’s. The first of them being our own BluJugganaut, he had two or three taken down, all critiques containing short clips from various episodes of Creation Today, all within fair use for commentary and the like so all falsely DMCAed.
Blu shrugs this off, he’s at uni and the counter notice is a chore whilst he’s not got regular internet access and uni work to do. I know other people might have encouraged him to press the counter notice but it’s his call. So anyway, press on a few days and I get a