How BBC Warmists Abuse The Science – A Response

I probably shouldn’t for the sake of my blood pressure, but I do keep taps on what people on the other side of the debate are saying, especially the more vocal ones. I use it to keep myself appraised of any contrary evidence and queues me on possible cases where a critical look at evidence might be needed.

But I have to say this, most of the time what is being put out by the “sceptics” is severely lacking. Errors and misrepresentation galore, a lot of it being unintentional as climatology is a difficult subject. But often it has its root in what, to me, looks like intentional misdirection and butchering of the science.

And the latest butchering was promoted in a post on the blog Watts Up With That, a website that has a reputation of misdirection and scientific errors:

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A Cold Snap, So Global Warming Must Be False

I’m amazed that each winter I hear this, “It’s cold, so global warming must not be real”. Do I have to remind people that generally speaking it is colder during the winter months than it is during the summer? And that cold spells do happen, regardless of any current climate trend? But I can understand the confusion a big cold spell like this can cause.

A lot of the confusion comes from the fact that most people think that Global Warming means that it gets warmer every single year, for any given month in a year and at every single location on the globe. Unfortunately it’s not that simple.

For example if you take a look at the global temperature records in the past you can see it’s not a smooth graph with every year being warmer than the previous. And you see exactly the same pattern for local temperature records. So if a few subsequent years haven’t been warmer, or you get a couple of frigid winters in a row, it does not mean that global warming has stopped. Or even isn’t happening.

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CO2 is plant food

During my discussions with a lot of climate change sceptics I’ve often heard that CO2 is plant food. And that putting more in the atmosphere is a good thing for plants, as they will grow faster and produce more food.

Which is a very good point. As you can see from the video from CO2Science, plants can indeed grow a lot faster if you give them more CO2. And this is exactly what a lot of growers do in their greenhouses. They add CO2 to stimulate the growth of their crops and increase their yields.

So what people are saying with this argument is that it’s just another fertilizer, like nitrogen. So you should get the same benefits if you increase a nutrient. But, with nitrogen we do see that there is a point where if you add to much nitrogen, the plants get more susceptible to pests. As they will grow so fast they cannot develop their defences properly or fast enough. And there’s even a point where to much nitrogen will kill plants.

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Dick Lindzen debates Andy Dessler, and loses

Professors Andrew Dessler from Texas A&M and Richard Lindzen from MIT debated the scientific evidence of anthropogenic global warming at the University of Virginia School of Law. The above debate is long, with a duration of almost two hours, but well worth a watch. It’s a perfect example of how you conduct an excellent debate on climate change, and how the…

YouTube Comments: Losing Patience

I’ve been active on YouTube for almost a year, and I’ve been producing videos for about half a year. For me it all started with following a few channels and joining the discussions.

SpaceRip is one of the channels where I contribute now and then. And the last video I had a serious discussion on with another user was the video “Global Temperature Puzzle”:

The discussion I had on that video took the better part of two weeks and was triggered by the following comment:

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