Monckton Yet Again Claims He Is Peer Reviewed

Lord Monckton has again garnered some attention, this time due to a debate with Richard Denniss, an economist. A debate that was organised by the National Press Club and was held on the 19th of July.

This debate is already doing it’s rounds on websites like Watts Up With That and has been heralded as a victory by these so called climate sceptics. I’ve watched this one hour long debate in full and I can say it wasn’t a victory for them. It was Monckton yet again repeating his well known, and faulty, talking points.

A New Little Ice Age

Apparently people have found something new and interesting to use as evidence against global warming, albeit a bit different than a cold winter. This time it’s a potential drop in solar activity that will counteract all the warming we have seen. And will very likely, according to them, put us in a new little ice age.

It is true that during a meeting of the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society an announcement was made that the sun might enter an extended period of low activity. A period similar to the Maunder minimum, which is also known as the Little Ice Age.

During the maunder minimum temperatures were lower than normal, predominantly in the northern hemisphere and most noticeable lower during the winter. And the lower solar-activity at the time has long been suspected as one of the major causes of this. Although other factors, like strong volcanic eruptions, played a role in lowering temperatures.

Continue reading A New Little Ice Age

Monckton Debunked By Monckton – What, MORE Errors, My Lord?

Potholer54 has released another excellent video researching the claims made by Monckton and why they are wrong. Although this time with an added twist. As Potholer54 is getting tired of correcting these mistakes, and correcting them all would take at least another 3 videos, he issued a challenge to Monckton fans: Find something he [Monckton] actually managed to get right. It…

Global Warming And The Earthquake In Japan

Yes, some people actually said that the earthquake in Japan is, or could be, linked to Global Warming. Which is obviously incorrect if you’ve been following the scientific literature.

But Lee doren (HowTheWorldWorks) did stumble on a grain of truth when he dealt with the subject in his video:

And I don’t want to hear any Rube Goldberg talking points on, well you see we give off carbon, and then it melts the big ice sheets up on the north pole, and those weights are pushing down on the plates, and therefore the release of the weights then leads to earthquakes. I’m sorry folks that’s not how earth quakes take place. That’s not how plate tectonics take place. I don’t want to hear any nonsense.

Now this wasn’t one of the most clear explanations, but what you can understand from this is that Lee Doren holds the opinion that the earthquake has nothing to do with global warming. And cannot be linked to any melting ice sheets and subsequent sea level rise. And he’s correct with that.

Continue reading Global Warming And The Earthquake In Japan

Monckton Debunked By Monckton – Quotes And Misquotes

The fourth video debunking Christopher Monckton has been released by Potholer54, and it’s a doozy. Monckton actually has a diploma in journalism and in the current video it’s shown that he actually misrepresents, or outright fabricates, quotes. With the mistakes he makes on the science you could argue it’s because he’s not a scientist, but with his training he should…

What The Ice Cores Tell Us, And How Deniers Distort It

“Sceptics” often cite ice core data to make a point along the lines that current warming isn’t a problem and is within normal climate variability. And often they cite research papers and data to prove this point. However almost every single time they display temperature records out of context, and more often than not come to entirely different conclusions than…

Monckton Debunked By Monckton – Correlations And Himalayan Glaciers

Potholer54 posted his third video on Lord Monckton this time dealing with the assertion that CO2 has no influence on global temperature. And some of his Glaciation/Glaciers claims. With the previous two releases on climate sensitivity and his shenanigans with citations I wish there were no more people out there that trusted his opinion. This is sadly not yet true.…

Monckton Debunked By Monckton – Climate Sensitivity

Potholer54 posted his second video on Lord Monckton and reasons why people tend to believe him. Although Monckton is a good debater, it’s again shown that Monckton gets the science horrendously wrong. And not only gets it wrong, he keeps repeating the same flaw. For example he misrepresented a paper written by Pinker. For which he was corrected in a…

Monckton Debunked By Monckton

A reasonably large portion of the global warming sceptics regard Lord Monckton quite highly. And his arguments are often used as definite proof that CO2 caused global warming is one big hoax. Because of this he’s often given a soap box at the blog Watts Up With That to make his case. Even Alex Jones is quite fond of him, and…

Leaving a Comment on WattsUpWithThat

After writing my article How BBC Warmists Abuse The Science – A Response I thought what the heck lets join the conversation on Watts Up With That. And I posted the following comment:

Seriously? You post an excerpt from a column where one of the arguments is “Even the weather has turned against them, showing that all the computer models based on the assumption that rising CO2 means rising temperatures have got it wrong.”. Which can be paraphrased as it’s snowing outside so global warming is not happening… Cold spells can happen, even when the planet is warming up.

However, it’s again someone who’s work is being used which also says that second hand smoking and asbestos don’t cause cancer. And even has been critical on the theory of evolution saying “rest their case on nothing more than blind faith and unexamined a priori assumptions”.

Continue reading Leaving a Comment on WattsUpWithThat