Another Interesting Video

So recently I’ve been pulling my finger out and getting back to my regular chat habits with the denizens of LoR chat.  One of the things we often do there is discuss various youtube videos, so I’m watching the one I was linked to and I thought that it might be of interest to you lovely people. Watch this video…

Deception by Numbers

Hey, want to borrow some money?

I can get you a really good rate on a short term loan, just 1% per day.  I know that sounds like it adds up after a while, but in the short term, 1% per day is hardly a lot.

Oh, and there may be a couple of little fees, just administrative stuff, nothing to worry about, the important thing  is that you need cash now, you don’t get paid until next week, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time reading paperwork or filling out forms.  1% a day isn’t all that much, and it’s worth it to you to get cash in hand.  So, what do you say?

Continue reading Deception by Numbers

When in Rome…


I don’t know about the rest of you but I love going and visiting other countries and finding a bit about their history, culture and traditions.  Especially traditions that have been around for hundreds of years, like the Italian tradition of taking Scientists to court.  This noble tradition began with Galileo Galilei when he dared to suggest that actually the sun might be at the centre of the solar system and the earth orbits it.  Thankfully this knave and blaggard was ultimately convicted and put under house arrest till he died……

Continue reading When in Rome…

More Water Whackos!

So there I was on another forum randomly discussing stuff related to science and why we need people to have more than a basic factual grounding to spot pseudoscience.  Granted it would probably take a degree to have a hope in hells chance of debunking but I’m just talking enough science to spot that there’s something fishy going on.

All of this reminded me of when AnswersinBooks had some dealings with one snakeoil salesman Peter Goodgold.  And if anyone was reading our blog and the updates we gave at the time you should know that all seems quiet following the judicial application of the LAW!!  (Yes, read that as being Judge Dredd stylee.)

Continue reading More Water Whackos!

Reporting Dodgy Science – A New Sense About Science Campaign

Firstly a quick appology to our none British readers, this blog post probably won’t have much bearing on you BUT you could also have a look a the charity thats doing it and see if there’s similar local to you.

There is a charity in the UK called Sense About Science, it’s focus is to equip people to understand science in the media and the like and one of it’s big things is raising awareness of bad science.  I’ve now been to two skeptic type events where they’ve had someone present as a speaker, other aims of the organisation include promoting an evidence based approach and making sure that scientific enquiry is undertaken without stigma or censorship.  Now oddly enough these aims are all things we here at SkepticTV think are jolly good and things that we all need to try and push for to try and deal with the various quacks, loons and peddlers of hokum.

Continue reading Reporting Dodgy Science – A New Sense About Science Campaign

Things that make Wombles’ Angry…

Ok, I’m coming to this one a little late.  It’s something Bair got me on to a while ago but I’m only just following up now.  It started with a link to PZ Myers blog Pharyngula and it all snowballed (or should that be Wombled?) from there.

Everyone thats seen a creationist in action knows how slimey and duplicitous they can be, some are inept and don’t do it with finesse (think Nephy here) and others are dangerously slick and smooth (but it’s clear to those watching).  This story starts with the Geological Society of Americas conference, one of the things us Geologists like to do at such gatherings is to go and find some hapless field locations to molest (and some pub action too).  It turns out that one of the trips that was organised was put together by some well known American creationists…..

Continue reading Things that make Wombles’ Angry…

An Open Letter to Creationwiki – please forward to

Update: Creationwiki has unlisted abbynormal0ne as an atheist. In addition they also corrected some other errors in the listing that others have pointed out. Thanks for everyone who helped bring this to their attention and a thank you for Creationwiki for following up on it.

Dear sir/madam,

On your “List of Atheistic YouTube Channels” you have abbynormal0ne listed as an atheist:

However she is a Christian, which she clearly states in the following videos:

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When Miscarriages and Still Births are Murders….

For a start I’d like to say that this entry will be a short one, I’ve got some things to do today but I’m also at a point where I can start pulling my head out of constant studying around work and get on with some blogging!

So there I was eating my lunch and perusing my facebook wall seeing what was happening in that sphere when I saw this lovely little article.  In a nut shell it seems that legislation that was introduced to protect pregnant women from other people trying to harm their babies is now being use to arrest them for murdering their babies!  Thats right boys and girls, if the mothers to be have consumed something that could be taken as causing them to miscarry or their child to be still born or to even die a short while after birth (note: this short while could even be days) then they get arrested for murder.

Continue reading When Miscarriages and Still Births are Murders….

Waterworks4u and Peter Goodgold An example of snake oil

An Introduction:

I am a youtube user known as Answers in books. I have posted this written post on science of reason because it would seem any attempt to criticize or even mention the company waterworks4u elsewhere is targeted by parties keen on censoring me. I am
eager for my voice to be heard for anyone looking to get a water ionizer be it from waterworks4u, Kangen water, Water for Life,Tyent, Alkalux, IonQuench, Chanson, Watershed, Jupiter, Alkazone, Enagic, Alkalife or any of the other companies selling these machines needs to understand the world they are venturing into. I thank SkepticTV for this opportunity and hasten to point out that science of reason have nothing to do with my written content presented here. Should any of the named parties have issue with this article then they should be clear that I am the lone person responsible for it.

Continue reading Waterworks4u and Peter Goodgold An example of snake oil