Why hello there my pretties. So, this is not quite the blog post i’d intended, in fac there are two that I have mentally queued up, but this is one that is current and having an effect.
So what’s going on? Well once again we have the Streisand effect bouncing around on you tube as a young woman unhappy with her Golden Crocoduck nomination decides to DMCA Potholer54. This use of the DMCA constitutes a false DMCA as nothing in Potholers video was used without acknowledging the source (otherwise who could he have nominated her) and it was done as comment and critisism, and also in an attempt to redress the balance of the so far male dominated awards.
Continue reading The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and THE STREISAND EFFECT!
I’m not often jealous of religious people. I mean, yes, they have a faith community that’s sometimes nice, and they have the whole “consolation of the afterlife” thing, but almost all of the time I’m fine accepting the reality with which I’m presented and not having to invent more of it in the form of fanfic. However, one area in which I really do think that religious people have it figured out is that of saints, or specifically patron saints.
A patron saint in a religion like Christianity, and especially in its business wing the Catholic church is a figure who embodies entirely a particular place or a particular virtue, to the point where instead of praying to God about that thing you pray to the saint. I think of them as being God’s cabinet, or maybe his collection of regional vice presidents. A form of heavenly middle management. So, if you’re having a problem getting online, you drop a quick prayer to Saint Isidore, patron saint of the Internet, and… well, let’s be honest, bugger all will happen but you might feel better about the bugger all that’s happening.
Continue reading Hypatia – The Secular Patron Saint of Librarians
This is just a little quick one from me, I know I’m over due a rant for your entertainment and I will cook one up for you, probably over the weekend now. But anyways, this isn’t about that it’s about this handy little quiz that you can do online to work out what your political compass is. And oddly enough…
So here I am sat recovering from a very full on weekend…..lots of running around and rolling in the mud and then I pulled a Falchion49, although no where near to the same extent. So I’m checking my subs box on youtube and I come across this video by the absolutly brilliant RationalWarrior, he makes lots of these sorts of…
This is just a quick one whilst I ruminate my thoughts on something that I’m really going to vent some spleen on, trust me….this spleen venting will be good. But anyway, it seems that our very own awesometastic tech guy is getting some well deserved wider attention. A blog under the title ‘Rationally Thinking Out Loud’ did a little piece on our Collin in which he praised Collins approach to skeptisim.
Also I can now proudly say that I’ve passed the first year of my masters degree, I have had to put it on hold slightly but I will be continueing with it. In the mean time I’ve got a few other bits and pieces I’m hoping to study some Chemistry and a little bit of Astronomy and some Planetary Science.
So a couple of people I know that are both in the UK send me a link to an e-petition that has been set up to petition the government in the UK. The petition related to the teaching of Evolution and that it should be made clear that creationism and intelligent design are not scientific and that they should not…
Well thats a leading post title if ever there was one. So what do I mean by what’s at stake? Well if you think about most things that sceptics bang on about it all boils down to evidence, as in an. evidence based approach. We want the stuff that shows that view point X is more accurate than batty belief Y. If te use of evidence was to wain then again, what’s at stake…….well our aquired knowledge really.
Here’s an example of what I mean, it’s an episode of the BBC’s Horizen that has made it’s way to youtube. This particular episode is about the attack on science from some of the more hair brained ideas that are out there. I’ve not yet watched it myself but DutchLiam has wathed most of it and he likes it and I’m going to watch it ASAP. I hope you enjoy it.
Like a fool I completely forgot what I was going to say to finish off the other blog entry, I did mention I was tired in it. The bit that is worthy of note in this is the reaction from the communities and their pulling together, the cleanups, the public support of the Police – they do get a lot of bad press at times. It’s the stuff that makes me proud to be English/British and it doesn’t matter to me if someone hasn’t always lived here or their families have only been here for 2 or 3 generations. It’s the sticking up for each other that counts and the not being beaten attitude.
Continue reading When Wombles Blog Tired……(Looting pt2)……
So yesterday I posted a video to share with all of you. Well the person that made it made a follow on, so here it is! Watch this video on YouTube Womble