As we mentioned in a previous show we’ve had to say good bye to two of the people that have been with us since we started. Fefnir was with us on the original call recording it for posterity and HOD was one of the first people outside of the 12 hour call to step up as our support team. So as a group we started to keep our eyes out for likely candidates to bring our team back up to strength…….for long hours we scoured the web and toiled over our options!
Continue reading Introducing A New Member of the SkepticTV Team
So in my new found rememberence of the joy of sharing stuff with you lot here’s something I’ve just started watching on youtube. It’s a talk from PZ Myers at the ‘Imagine No Religion’ Conference. It’s been uploaded to youtube and it’s quite awsome and PZ has had a great analogy between religion and a tape worm!!! Anyway, here it…
Well surprise surprise, creationist abuse the DMCA to silence their critics. And it’s the brainiacs at CSE, thats Hovind Jnr and cronies, that have been out doing it. Now I don’t know exactly how many they’ve hit but SkepticTV has heard of 3 smaller you tube channels in the past week that have been hit with false DMCA’s. The first of them being our own BluJugganaut, he had two or three taken down, all critiques containing short clips from various episodes of Creation Today, all within fair use for commentary and the like so all falsely DMCAed.
Blu shrugs this off, he’s at uni and the counter notice is a chore whilst he’s not got regular internet access and uni work to do. I know other people might have encouraged him to press the counter notice but it’s his call. So anyway, press on a few days and I get a
So, following on from last nights show here’s the main news item of the week. On saturday 10th December we will be having a 1 year Birthday show that should last within the region of 12 hours. Why 12 and not 24? Well simple, thats how long we were up against Neph in the call that started it all. We will also be taking to oportunity to do a little bit of fundraising for the Secular Students Allience, this predominantly American based group supports students aolder High School pupils in setting up secular/humanist groups and provide support for any getting grief from religious types.
To this end we intend to hold a charity auction during the show as well as having things set up for people to donate without buying, with that in mind we’re looking out for interesting things that can be auctioned so if you have an item you’d like to donate then get in touch. We’re also sorting out a guest list of co-hosts and hopefully some special guests, if you’ve got any suggestions for either of them we’d love to hear from you.
As promised this is where I found out about the paintings from my last post. Steven Newton of the NCSE gave a talk about the above topic and whilst it does focus on one scientific concept I think it’s fair to say it can be loosely ascribed to all topics if the science denialism really does spread laterally. It also shows that creationism is much more wide spread in the states than some of us (myself included) would have realised. I know that there are a few creationist churches within modest driving distance of where I live, although I’m not aware of any of their kids challenging their teachers the way some do in the states.
Continue reading Teaching Evolution in a Climate of Science Denial
This is something that I’ve taken from a video of a talk I plan to post soon but I thought I’d post this first. The talk is by one of the chaps in the NCSE and whilst at the time of writing my post on that isn’t written when it is you’ll find the link here. The speaker uses the image I’ll link you too below as one of a number to help set the scene for his talk, and this one in particular gives you a good dea of how they think. And to be honest I’ve got to agree, which has nothing to do with him being a fellow geologist (although that does make him awesome!).
The painting dpicts a scene where jebuz has pitched up outside the white house where he dangles a copy of theAmerican constitution, behind him is an assortment of dead people from various points in American history, to the front left are representatives of what makes America great at the moment and then to the right are some of those that are hell bound, including a cameo from ol’ horny
Continue reading A Window Into The Minds Of Fundamentalist Christians – One Nation Under God
So there I was bimbling about on the web as I’m want to do from time to time and talking scepticy stuffs with people and the BCSE was brought up, now whilst it’s name might sound like its some relative of BSE I can happily assure you that it isn’t. So what is it? Well I’m sure that most of you will have heard of the NCSE over in the states, well the BCSE is the British version.
So there we were, myself and the SkepticTV boys, in our little corner of the skype-verse discussing some of the stuff to do with Amenakin and you tube. As we were chewing the fat over whats going on oneof the boys (I can’t remember which one) raised the issue of debunking the guy that wrote the book that Amenakin is using as her source on evolution. So who is this guy? Well it’s Harun Yahya, someone I hadn’t heard of before now but he wrote a ‘wonderful’ book called The Atlas of Creation, again something I’d not heard of. Now this is when things get a little more fortunate as such, because whilst I’m clearly on the clueless side of things with this the boys again came up trumps, unfortunately I can’t remember which one of the boys posted it but a link to the video below appeared in out chat. As you can see it’s non other than Richard Dawkins debunking this book of fail in an entertaining way. Now admittedly I’ve not watched it all to the end, it’s in 4 parts and I’m part way through part 2, but it’s good so far.
Continue reading Some Richard Dawkins with Bonus Christopher Hitchens
So there I was checking my twitter feed and I found this little gem: Watch this video on YouTube Thats right, the Foo Fighters are sticking it to the WBC by seranading them from the back of a moving truck! Enjoy Womble