Two weeks ago I received a newsletter/magazine from my housing cooperative Woonbedrijf. And while I was perusing the articles a side note caught my eye. It had the title “Woonbedrijf buys gas and electricity through WoonEnergie”, with a green background colour. It told about the new construction my housing cooperative uses to offer public lightning and collective heating at lower…
In a stunning move the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a finding that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases constitute a danger to public health and welfare and are subject to regulation under the Clean Air Act. With this historic decision it is now possible to regulate the amount of carbon released by industries in America. As the law specifically states…
To open this post I can’t say it better than The Naib said it: It ain’t gonna change on the streets, and it ain’t gonna change in the rooms of power: the real work will happen, and is happening, beneath their feet, and in the quiet corners where individuals and small groups are realising that they have to do things themselves.…
For people who visited my domain in the past know that I had a notice online with the message that I’m actually planning something with this domain and that my plan/idea should be online in about six months. That notice was brought online on the 29th of march 2007… Well more than a year later the website is online, and…