Lee made the extraordinary claim that a green energy company had sent a fake bomb to a professor who is critical on the industry. When I followed up on the mentioned source it turned out the situation wasn’t as clear cut as he represented it in his video. Watch this video on YouTube And this isn’t exactly the first time…
Lee Doren who runs the YouTube channel HowTheWorldWorks said in his video “The Nashville Flood Happened” that passing a law that prevents foreign tourist buying soft drugs would destroy the Dutch tourist industry. Now as someone who lives in The Netherlands and enjoys taking vacations in his own country I knew this was nonsense. So with some digging on the…
In July of 2009 I wrote about the possibility that Sea Shepherd might lose it’s Dutch Certificate of Registry. This due to pressure from the Japanese government to revoke the certificate. Almost a year later Sea Shepherd can still sail under the Dutch flag. The reason for this is that under current Dutch law it’s not that easy to revoke…
I’ve always been a casual user of YouTube, who isn’t with all the videos that are hosted on YouTube. However not to long ago I was introduced to the video’s made by Peter Sinclair who publishes video’s under the username Greenman3160. He has superb video’s debunking claims from climate change denialists.
His video’s are the reason I signed up for a user account on youtube so that I could subscribe to his channel. And from the suggestions YouTube gave on his channel I started subscribing to other channels.
Yes, it’s time for a little policy change of my blog, or better said a repurposing of my current blog (again). This blog will shift from being a blog about my private life to a blog supporting my online activities. This means that almost all of my private life activities and photo’s will move to Facebook and Hyves. Now people…
In my new home I finally had the room for my own washing machine. And when I had my first laundry day I found out that I had forgotten to buy fabric softener. And naive as was I did my laundry without fabric softener. Something I regretted when I came out of the shower and dried my face with a towel. It felt darn close to taking a grater to my face.
So doing your own laundry without a fabric softener isn’t a good idea. This did make me wonder though.
UPDATE: Sea Shepherd’s Registry safe, for now The Dutch cabinet wants to revoke the Dutch Certificate of Registry currently being used by the Sea Shepherd organisation for two of its ships. This after complaints from the Japanese government about the tactics used by the organisation. The ships in question are the Farley Mowat and the Steve Irwin. If the Certificate…
In the article ‘Housing cooperative Woonbedrijf gets greener‘ I talked about the new green energy used by housing cooperative Woonbedrijf for public lightning and collective heating. I did however had several questions about the energy supplied and how green it is. After several exchanges with Woonbedrijf, and their supplier WoonEnergie, I have the answers to my questions: Does the green…
Since last Wednesday the city Rotterdam, in The Netherlands, is testing a electric garbage truck which is powered by the burning of the household garbage it collects. This is a world first according to Van Gansewinkel. The project is jointly launched with Rotterdam Climate Initiative (RCI) and Roteb. The use of an electric garbage truck is part of the efforts of RCI to…
A couple of months ago there was an article on Treehugger with the name ‘Organic vs Local? Who Cares. Neither is Sustainable‘. Which is a good article about the current problems we face with switching to a more environmental friendly way of producing our food.
The main problems mentioned boil down to the following points:
Continue reading Organic vs Local? Who Cares. Home Grown Is Sustainable