Coming Soon
By Collin Maessen on commentWatch this video on YouTube
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During my discussions with a lot of climate change sceptics I’ve often heard that CO2 is plant food. And that putting more in the atmosphere is a good thing for plants, as they will grow faster and produce more food.
Which is a very good point. As you can see from the video from CO2Science, plants can indeed grow a lot faster if you give them more CO2. And this is exactly what a lot of growers do in their greenhouses. They add CO2 to stimulate the growth of their crops and increase their yields.
So what people are saying with this argument is that it’s just another fertilizer, like nitrogen. So you should get the same benefits if you increase a nutrient. But, with nitrogen we do see that there is a point where if you add to much nitrogen, the plants get more susceptible to pests. As they will grow so fast they cannot develop their defences properly or fast enough. And there’s even a point where to much nitrogen will kill plants.
Professors Andrew Dessler from Texas A&M and Richard Lindzen from MIT debated the scientific evidence of anthropogenic global warming at the University of Virginia School of Law. The above debate is long, with a duration of almost two hours, but well worth a watch. It’s a perfect example of how you conduct an excellent debate on climate change, and how the…
I’ve been active on YouTube for almost a year, and I’ve been producing videos for about half a year. For me it all started with following a few channels and joining the discussions.
SpaceRip is one of the channels where I contribute now and then. And the last video I had a serious discussion on with another user was the video “Global Temperature Puzzle”:
The discussion I had on that video took the better part of two weeks and was triggered by the following comment:
An interaction between me and Lee caused him to block me when I was criticising statements he made.
The 10:10 campaign video is a PR nightmare if I ever saw one. This commercial is actually from the organisation 10:10 to promote their goal of voluntarily reducing 10% of your CO2 emissions each year.
The script for this commercial was written by Richard Curtis (writer of for example Blackadder, Four Weddings and Notting Hill). A very well known comedic writer. So the idea behind this commercial was trying to make a funny video about what they are trying to achieve.
NephilimFree said in his video “The atheists have one thing half-right” the following on genetic modification:
We can’t take the genetics of two different kinds like, ape and human, and mix them together. Or a reptile and human, or an insect and a human, and mix them together and create a viable living creature. According to modern biology, that’s impossible.
But we can mix the genetics of different ‘kinds’ together and create viable living creatures. The most well known examples are plants that have been genetically modified to express certain characteristics they normally don’t have.
Pastor Terry Jones is using an argument that I’ve heard over and over again while discussing Islam. Which is that the Qur’an is hateful and thus Islam itself is evil. The latest surah someone used as an example of that in a discussion was the following:
Lee Doren’s comments (HowTheWorldWorks) about economic inequality not being a real human rights issue and that the United States is nothing like oppressive regimes warranted a response:
Here’s how the report is basically written. It states some sort of law that the United States passed like the American Disabilities Act, or other types of laws, that prevent “economic inequality” in the United States. They talk about title nine. And then it states that we still have steps in the United States to take to make human rights no longer a problem. Those are not human rights violations, OK.
Yes those are human rights violation, and I’ll explain why.
A lot of Christians on YouTube preach bible verses and base their views on them. However, there are a lot of bible verses that they ignore or interpret differently. So when Shockofgod said “Hey I just say things like the bible says homosexuality is a sin. You know I just say it!” I had to make a video response about…
When I was skimming through my RSS feeds I came across an item where Sarah Palin was again pushing drilling for oil to solve the energy dependency problems of the U.S. A return to the “Dril, baby, drill” agenda she has been pushing since the last presidential election campaign. Anyone with access to a search engine can easily figure out…