A Call For Scepticism

On the 5th of March, Fox News released an article on their blog where they announced that Richard Hoover, an astrobiologist who works at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre, thinks he has found evidence for extraterrestrial life. And since then I’ve seen this crop up on more and more places on the internet.

Now what Hoover found were structures inside a rare type of meteorite, a carbonaceous chondrite, it contains structures that have a resemblance with certain terrestrial bacteria we know. But it’s extremely difficult to rule out contamination of the sample. And as such it is wise to wait to get independent confirmation that this indeed might be remains of extraterrestrial life. Especially as Hoover has already made similar claims that have not been confirmed.

There is however one part that raises really big red flags with this find, and that is where it was published, in the Journal of Cosmology. A journal where they have the rule, I kid you not, all articles must avoid jargon. Which is quite an odd rule for a journal to have, and as you can imagine not a single respectable journal has that rule.

Continue reading A Call For Scepticism

Science News And Scepticism

This is a cross-post of the article I originally posted on the SkepticTV blog.

If I wasn’t very sceptical and allergic to bad science I probably wouldn’t be the tech guy for SkepticTV. And yesterday a story about the discovery of extraterrestrial life hit the news that raised a lot of red flags.

I’ll kick this off with a part of an article that I’ve written about this on my blog:

Yesterday, the 5th of March, Fox News released an article on their blog where they announced that Richard Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre, thinks he has found evidence for extraterrestrial life. And since Fox News published this article I’ve seen this crop up on more and more places on the internet.

Continue reading Science News And Scepticism

Journal Of Cosmology And Alien Life On Meteorite

Yesterday, the 5th of March, Fox News released an article on their blog where they announced that Richard Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Centre, thinks he has found evidence for extraterrestrial life. And since Fox News published this article I’ve seen this crop up on more and more places on the internet.

What Hoover found were structures inside a rare type of meteorite, a CI1 carbonaceous chondrite – the one Hoover analysed fell in France in 1864 – and it contains something that looks very much like remains of microbes.

Continue reading Journal Of Cosmology And Alien Life On Meteorite

Monckton Debunked By Monckton – Quotes And Misquotes

The fourth video debunking Christopher Monckton has been released by Potholer54, and it’s a doozy. Monckton actually has a diploma in journalism and in the current video it’s shown that he actually misrepresents, or outright fabricates, quotes. With the mistakes he makes on the science you could argue it’s because he’s not a scientist, but with his training he should…

What The Ice Cores Tell Us, And How Deniers Distort It

“Sceptics” often cite ice core data to make a point along the lines that current warming isn’t a problem and is within normal climate variability. And often they cite research papers and data to prove this point. However almost every single time they display temperature records out of context, and more often than not come to entirely different conclusions than…

Monckton Debunked By Monckton – Correlations And Himalayan Glaciers

Potholer54 posted his third video on Lord Monckton this time dealing with the assertion that CO2 has no influence on global temperature. And some of his Glaciation/Glaciers claims. With the previous two releases on climate sensitivity and his shenanigans with citations I wish there were no more people out there that trusted his opinion. This is sadly not yet true.…

Monckton Debunked By Monckton – Climate Sensitivity

Potholer54 posted his second video on Lord Monckton and reasons why people tend to believe him. Although Monckton is a good debater, it’s again shown that Monckton gets the science horrendously wrong. And not only gets it wrong, he keeps repeating the same flaw. For example he misrepresented a paper written by Pinker. For which he was corrected in a…

Kansas vs. Darwin

The whole creationism and intelligent design movement and the whole discussion surrounding it in the United States was, and still is, quite the alien concept to me. With the very few things that I do know about biology, evolution and the scientific method that these proposed “theories” have absolutely no scientific merit whatsoever. As such the documentary Kansas vs. Darwin…

Monckton Debunked By Monckton

A reasonably large portion of the global warming sceptics regard Lord Monckton quite highly. And his arguments are often used as definite proof that CO2 caused global warming is one big hoax. Because of this he’s often given a soap box at the blog Watts Up With That to make his case. Even Alex Jones is quite fond of him, and…