Consumer Protection Is Apparently A Bad Idea

The U.S. Department of Transportation put into effect new rules that makes flying more convenient and hassle-free for air travelers in the U.S. The new rules include requirements that airlines refund baggage fees if bags are lost, increase compensation provided to passengers bumped from oversold flights, and provide passengers greater protections from lengthy tarmac delays.

Rules like these have been in effect for years in Europe and has made flying a lot more enjoyable for everyone. And has giving consumers the tools that they can ensure that they get what they paid for, without being left at the mercy of an airliner on an airport far from home.

Continue reading Consumer Protection Is Apparently A Bad Idea

Deep Fried Flying

It has been a while since Anthony Watts posted the following remark on his blog:

I’ve never much thought there was much usefulness to waste vegetable oil used for automobile fuel, as there is a much more finite amount of waste frying oil available compared to petroleum. Ditto for chicken fat powered aviation. Would you want to fly on a plane that is chicken fat powered? Personally, it seems clucking ridiculous.

I just wish NASA would stick to space exploration.

Watts is complaining about an article posted by NASA where they explain an experiment they did with alternative fuels. And for this experiment they used chicken fat and beef tallow as the source for the fuel:

Continue reading Deep Fried Flying

Make Your Voice Heard During The Fox News Republican Debate

On September 22, the Republican candidates will meet in Orlando, Florida for the Fox News/Google Debate, and they’ll be answering questions that you ask.

This is a perfect moment to ask your politicians why they deny the science of climate change or why they are so opposed to protecting the environment in general. Submit your question now in video or text and vote on other questions you’d like to hear asked.

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Colbert Mocks Limbaugh, Carlson, Doocy Over Their Global Warming Denials

On the show The Colbert Report host Stephen Colbert mocked Rush Limbaugh for claiming that the heat index is a government conspiracy, joking: The heat index is just more big government numbers telling you how hot to feel — just like their time index tells you how sleepy to feel. He also mocked Fox & Friends co-hosts Steve Doocy and Gretchen Carlson for claiming…

The Feed Issues Have Been Resolved

The issues on the feedburner servers have been resolved. The new feeds will become available in a few moments at the following locations: If you are viewing the site via the old Virere feeds please note that those feeds will cease to exist in a couple of days. So please update to the above mentioned feeds if you…