The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook Sometimes satire is just the only answer you can give to the more ridiculous going-ons in the media.
Climate sceptics are winning the argument with the public over global warming, the world’s most celebrated climate scientist, James Hansen of NASA, said in London yesterday.
Continue reading Climate Sceptics Are Winning The Battle
I’ve written before on how the creationism and intelligent design movement, and the discussions surrounding it in the United States, is quite the alien concept to me. With the very few things that I do know about biology, evolution and the scientific method that these proposed “theories” have absolutely no scientific merit whatsoever.
So I’m still amazed at how effective they have been, and still are, at spreading their disinformation. They have been especially effective with creating arguments that sound convincing, but when you take a closer look you find out that it’s just not supported by anything in science. In almost every single case it’s an argument/question that has already been dealt with by scientists.
This is the reason the following post on SkepticTV caught my attention. It also shows why it is important that organisations like the NCSE exist, and how important they are with helping teachers and schools in countering the nonsense:
Continue reading Teaching Evolution In A Climate Of Science Denial
The BBC produced a documentary called “Is Nuclear Power Safe?” which aired on september 15. In the documentary they examine nuclear safety and consequences of accidents in light of the events at Fukushima.
Jim Al-Khalili, a professor of nuclear physics, handles the presentation and narration of the documentary. And states his case that nuclear energy is a lot safer than most people think. And that radiation from fallout isn’t as bad as generally believed.
And during this documentary he seems to give very reasonable explanations and evidence that support this:
I don’t know what it is with GOP presidential candidates (he ran in 2008 and finished second after McCain), but Mike Huckabee expressed his support for the Personhood campaign: Watch this video on YouTube In essence what Personhood is lobbying for is that from the moment of conception someone is a person. With the goal of getting this put into law…
I was already aware that current tactics of climate change deniers are very similar to what the pro tobacco lobby used during their campaign of obfuscation. But just how similar I didn’t realize till I saw the following on ClimateCrocks: I was going to wait on this, but it’s too important. The point has often been made that the climate denial industry…
Now you might be wondering why I sent Lee a link, well technically I didn’t. I used the link in an exchange we had where I disagreed with his argument and conclusions. So I’m actually one of the critics he mentioned in the video. But lets start from the beginning.
Continue reading The Not So Bad Department of Transportation Rules
Denial of the scientific evidence for Anthropogenic Global Warming was the running theme during the 24 hour broadcast of the Climate Reality Project. One of the shorts that was broadcast, called “Doubt,” is wel worth a watch. It’s about how the fossil fuel industry took the tobacco industry’s playbook to confuse the public on the science of climate change. Not by disproving the…
It is commonly held belief among the more fundamentalist christians in the United States that atheists lack morals, are self centered and don’t care about others. The list comes in many variants and is hard to argue against, not because it is true, but because many believe it to be despite evidence to the contrary.
Or the claim that we atheist do believe in a god, and the assumption it is the particular god they are arguing for, we just deny it and burry the belief as deep as possible. Most often this is followed with some reasoning that we do this because we want to sin in some shape or form. To indulge as much as possible with no regard for the consequences.
Continue reading There Are No Atheists In Foxholes
Not that long ago there was a little spat on YouTube when the HeyRuka made a couple of videos about the differences between human races. One of her main points was that there is a difference in IQ between these races. Understandably this caused an outrage on YouTube as this is quite a sensitive topic. But I don’t care about…