NASA Bonks Wacky 2012 Claims

A nice video about some of the 2012 nonsense that’s doing the rounds on the internet.

After all that, you mean the world is NOT going to end on December 21, 2012? Listen up, 2012ers, it’s not really going to happen, hard as that is to bear.

The issue with Dec. 21, 2012 and the predicted disasters that some folks think will come, probably started with the so-called end of the Mayan calendar. Their calendar does not end on Dec. 21, 2012. It’s just the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one. It’s just like on Dec. 31st, our calendar comes to an end but a new calendar for the next year begins on Jan. 1st .

Niburu is supposed to be a planet that’s four times the size of the Earth. It’s going to get very close to the Earth and cause all kinds of disasters. So this enormous planet is suppose to be coming toward Earth, but if it were, we would’ve seen it long ago and if it were invisible somehow, we would’ve seen the affects of this planet on neighboring planets.

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Communicating Climate Change To The Masses

The VlogBrothers is one of the channels I’ve been subbed to for a long time now, finding them not long after I became active on YouTube. John writes books teenagers and Hank maintains the website EcoGeek and writes very interesting songs:

This celebration of silly nerdiness is what makes me enjoy their videos so much. And often they manage to put some interesting factoids in their videos.

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Climate Denial and Manufacturing Legitimacy

The following post was originally published on ClimateCrocks as a guest post.

The scientific discussion has long since moved on from whether we are causing the increase in our planets temperature to fine tuning what effects this will have. We know it is happening, we are responsible for it and we are now in the process of finding out that we have been underestimating it.

Yet, the so-called sceptics have managed to delay action, very effectively spreading misinformation. A considerable amount of misinformation comes from the blogosphere, where familiar and long-debunked claims about climate change are repeated time and time again.

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Last year was the year I first encountered the anti-vaccer movement, and such a strange movement it is. People risk serious injury and consequences by not vaccinating. All because they are scared of either autism or the mercury in vaccines (or a combination of both).

Especially the mercury concern is something I don’t understand. As a tuna sandwich contains more mercury than a vaccine, and that’s something most of them eat without a second thought. Or even let their children eat it, while they refuse to vaccinate them.

Continue reading Vaccinations

Seasons Greetings

It has been a busy month, with for example organizing the 12 hour fundraiser show for the Secular Students Alliance. And now handling all the traffic I got from the shout-out from TheLivingDinosaur. Not to mention a very busy month at work. It was fun, but a bit draining. So I’m going to celebrate the holidays with my family and…

12 Hours Of SkepticTV For Charity

This saturday, starting at 19:00 GMT, SkepticTV will be doing a special 12 hour show to raise funds for the Secular Students Alliance (SSA):

The mission of the Secular Student Alliance is to organize, unite, educate, and serve students and student communities that promote the ideals of scientific and critical inquiry, democracy, secularism, and human-based ethics. We envision a future in which nontheistic students are respected voices in public discourse and vital partners in the secular movement’s charge against irrationality and dogma.

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Stephen Schneider: Science and Distortion

Stephen Schneider was a professor of Environmental Biology, a great scientist and one incredible science communicator. The short below was made by Stephen Thomson, a  year in the making, and pays tribute to this scientific and academic important figure. Professor Schneider will be missed. Watch this video on YouTube A year in the making, this video pays tribute to a critical scientific…