About SkepticTV
By Collin Maessen on commentSkepticTV was founded on December 18, 2010, following the legendary 12-hour BlogTV debate with NephilimFree and Micah1116 on December 10. YouTube users AngryWomble, BluJugganaut, csbair, dprjones, Fighting1Fefnir, Lefayad1991, SoundOfScilence and Yoshemo1 debated Neph on topics as diverse as evolution, stratigraphy, genetics, theology, palaeontology and interpretation of the scientific literature.
Flushed with success after comprehensively defeating Neph (though he will tell you that he won the debate), it was decided to set up a regular BlogTV show to debunk popular myths live on air. The show is very similar to the Magic Sandwich Show and the League of Reason Show, but subjects beyond the confines of organised religion and its implications are part of our shows. Topics we discuss in our shows include climate change, conspiracy theories, genetic modification, superstitions, religious ideology, vaccine health scares and so much more.
Our slogan, ‘We don’t believe, we accept’ comes from AngryWomble’s retort whenever Neph used the phrase ‘You evolutionists believe…’. She was forced to correct him so many times that it eventually became our catchphrase. It is the most important message of SkepticTV; we do not ‘believe’, based upon faith, but ‘accept’ concepts, based upon evidence.
SkepticTV broadcasts every fortnight on its BlogTV channel, and highlights will be uploaded to our YouTube channel. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications for each show.
As part of the show, we will be taking callers, so anyone can ring in to ask us a question on the subject of the show. If you would like to call in, please add ‘SkepticTV’ to your Skype contacts before the show, as you may not be accepted if you add us during a show. You may also receive a short call before the show to ensure that you are not a troll.
SkepticTV is constantly on the lookout for new topics to discuss, and new voices to appear on the panel. If you have an issue that you would like us to discuss, or would like to appear on the show, please contact us. You may be asked to list your qualifications or experience on a particular issue. This information will be kept confidential within the SkepticTV group.
Popcorn and other light refreshments are available in the lobby. Enjoy the show.
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